30 products

Płatki Drożdżowe - Drożdże Nieaktywne - 170g słoik
BIO Wanilia - Mielona - Bourbon - 10g
44,99 zł
Organic Vanilla Bourbon 10g
Kurkuma Mielona BIO - Ekologiczna - 100g
BIO Ocet Jabłkowy - Niefiltrowany - Ekologiczny - 500ml
12,99 zł 19,99 zł
Organic Apple Vinegar Unfiltered 500ml
Soda Oczyszczona - Spożywcza - Primär - 1kg
From 12,99 zł
Baking Soda - Primär
BIO Goździki - Ekologiczne - 30g
14,99 zł
Organic Cloves 30g
BIO Czarnuszka - 100g - Ziarno - Ekologiczna
10,99 zł
Organic Black Cumin 100g
Sól Himalajska - Gruboziarnista - 1kg - Primär
BIO Curry - 50g - Ekologiczne
12,99 zł
Organic Curry 50g
BIO Papryka Słodka - Mielona - 50g - Ekologiczna
16,99 zł
Organic Sweet Pepper 50g
BIO Czosnek - Mielony - 50g - Ekologiczny
12,99 zł
Organic Garlic 50g
BIO Papryka Wędzona - Mielona - 50g
15,99 zł
Organic Smoked Pepper 50g
BIO Kardamon - Mielony - Ekologiczny - 25g
23,99 zł
Organic Cardamom 25g
BIO Imbir - Mielony - Ekologiczny - 50g
12,99 zł
Organic Ginger 50g
BIO Pieprz Czarny - Całe Ziarno - 50g - Ekologiczny
15,99 zł
Organic Black Pepper 50g
BIO Mak Niebieski - Ekologiczny - 200g
17,99 zł
Organic Blue Poppy 200g
BIO Ocet Balsamiczny - Ekologiczny - 250ml

Natural spices

Reach for fresh and aromatic, 100% organic spices that will revive the taste of each of your dishes! We carefully select our suppliers and choose only the tastiest spices. And all this to offer you the best quality products and of course to satisfy your taste buds.

Our spices are free from pesticides, artificial plant protection products, preservatives and flavor enhancers, and the cultivation of the plants from which they were obtained is carried out in accordance with applicable ecological standards. In the wide assortment of our health food store you will find powdered spices, such as:

We have also expanded our offer with liquid spices:

How to store spices?

To keep the spices fresh and not to weather, store them in glass jars or plastic containers that ensure a tight closure and protect the product from sunlight and moisture.

How to season the chicken?

Chicken is not a demanding meat and goes well with most spices. For both breasts and chicken legs or wings, it is worth preparing a marinade of olive oil, sweet and smoked paprika , granulated garlic, turmeric , Himalayan salt, a bit of pepper, coriander, cloves and cinnamon. If you like spicier dishes, add chili and some ginger.

What instead of gingerbread spice?

Gingerbread spice can be successfully prepared by mixingcinnamon with the addition of ground cloves , ginger and cardamom . Alternatively, you can add a pinch of pepper, star anise and nutmeg to the mixture. You can also season mulled wine or Christmas herring with this composition.

What spices for the broth?

In the Ekogram store you will find the best natural broth mix! BIO Vegetable broth is a composition of sea salt, dried and powdered carrots, parsnips, onions, roasted onions, celery, yeast extract, turmeric, mace, lovage leaves, celery leaves, parsley, pepper and bay leaves. The taste of these ingredients is extracted by the addition of sunflower oil, and corn starch improves the consistency of the broth.

Do spices have calories?

The only spice that does not contain calories is salt. Other spices, like all other plant and food products, have a specific caloric value. Cinnamon in 100 g contains 247 kcal, sweet pepper - 251 kcal, and powdered garlic - approx. 331 kcal. When using spices in your kitchen, you usually measure them by teaspoons or pinches, so their caloric values ​​are minimal. So go ahead and use spices even when you are on a slimming diet. Many of them are characterized by properties that can even help in getting rid of unnecessary fat tissue by improving the efficiency of metabolism and supporting digestive processes.

What to add curry to?

Curry is one of the most popular spice mixes in the world originating from Indian cuisine. It is a composition of herbs, spices and dried vegetables. The composition of the curry depends on the region it comes from. The classic BIO Curry available in our store contains coriander, turmeric, fennel seeds, fenugreek, salt, chilli, cumin, cumin and cinnamon. Due to the origin of this mixture, curry goes best with South Asian dishes. It goes well with both meat and vegetable dishes. It can also be used as a seasoning for fish. What specific dishes can you prepare with curry spice? First of all, the dish of the same name, curry, which can be prepared in many different ways and with various additions, eg with beef, chicken, tofu, lentils, beans, chickpeas, cauliflower or tempeh. Add curry to Thai rice noodle soup, but also to Polish broth. It tastes great as an ingredient of savory pancakes, omelettes, coatings, scrambled eggs, sauces based on cream, yogurt or coconut milk. It goes well with almost all rice dishes, soy or rice noodles, but you can experiment by adding curry to all kinds of groats or potatoes.

Which salt is better - Kłodawska or Himalayan?

Both types of salt are definitely a better choice than chemically purified table salt, to which anti-caking agents are often added. Himalayan salt is currently considered the most valuable and natural. It is a pink rock salt mined in Pakistan from the remains of the seabed. Our Himalayan salt is free of impurities. It is a pure mineral without unnecessary additives and anti-caking agents. Chemically, Himalayan salt is similar to ordinary table salt, but it has a much lower sodium content. This salt also has more minerals that you will not find in ordinary table salt.

Our native Kłodawska salt is mined using traditional methods in the largest and deepest salt mine in Poland - Kłodawa. It is pure rock salt, not refined and does not contain anti-caking agents. It has a similar sodium content to Himalayan salt, but may have a better proportion of minerals. Which salt to choose, Himalayan or Kłodawska, depends only on your individual preferences. The trace mineral content of each salt has no significant impact on your health. However, it is worth appreciating the purity of both types of salt and the lower sodium content compared to ordinary table salt.