7 products

nasiona chia bio 350g słoik ekogram
21,99 zł
Organic Chia Seeds 350g
BIO Siemię Lniane - Ekologiczne - 500g
16,99 zł
Organic Flax Seed 500g
BIO Jagody Goji - Ekologiczne
From 19,99 zł
Organic Goji Berries
BIO Maca - Korzeń Mielony - Ekologiczny - 200g
From 22,99 zł
Organic Maca Powder
BIO Jarmuż - Liofilizowany - Ekologiczny - 50g


Superfood - great food

Superfood has been a very popular word recently. It is a natural and unprocessed food that has health benefits. For example, juice squeezed from organically grown apples deserves the name of super food, but not juice, which has been additionally enriched with synthetic vitamins.

Superfood from organic farming

In the entire superfood range, the list of products that can be included in them is long, and they share a common denominator - they are healthy, delicious and can be purchased at an affordable price in our ecological online store.

Super high fiber foods: inulin

Inulin certainly deserves the name of superfood - it is a natural fiber and a prebiotic at the same time, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. After ingestion and reaching the stomach, it begins to swell and increases its volume many times over. You don't need to eat a lot to stay full - so it is an excellent support for people who struggle with unnecessary kilograms. Inulin provides a feeling of fullness for longer, thus preventing hunger pangs. Agave inulin or inulin - chicory fiber are superfood products that should be included in your daily diet. Not only do they have a lot of nutritional properties, but they also go well with a variety of dishes, including desserts and cocktails. Inulin is low in calories and has a delicate and slightly sweet taste.

Healthy, original, natural - a few words about baobab fruit.

If you are looking for a superfood product that has an interesting taste, interesting appearance and a range of nutritional properties, be sure to try dried baobab fruits. These healthy foods come from faraway Africa, where they mature in full sun and are a real vitamin bomb for our body. They contain a lot of vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants and valuable minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. In our online eco-shop you will find tasty and healthy bio baobab fruits that come only from certified organic farming. These superfoods are first dried and then ground into a powder, making them easier to use as an accompaniment to a variety of dishes. Dried baobab fruits go well with noodles, rice, groats, they can also complement nourishing cocktails.

Young barley - a superfood for health and beauty

Another powder that also deserves the name of a superfood is powdered young barley. It is a 100% natural product, obtained from certified crops and without any artificial additives. The powder is obtained from green barley shoots that are several weeks old. It contains loads of valuable vitamins and minerals, as well as a long list of amino acids. Young barley powder has a beneficial effect on our body not only from the inside - its regular use (for example in cocktails) significantly improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Bio maca from the eco store

Another powdered superfood is maca, or actually its ground root. Maca is an exceptionally healthy plant, grown quite widely in South America. Its powdered root is an ideal superfood supplement that adds energy, improves concentration and is perfect as part of the diet during prolonged physical or mental exertion.

Seaweed as a treasure trove of super nutrients

Super food is also valuable for health seaweed, appreciated not only by lovers of oriental cuisine. Arame superfood seaweed is excellent in taste and full of nutritional value. used for centuries in Japanese cuisine. They contain lots of polyphenols, good fatty acids, folic acid, iodine, calcium and vitamins. Although the black thin strips of Arame seaweed do not look inviting, their delicate and sweet taste will compensate us when eating. Seaweed is great for soups, stews, salads and cooked vegetables. They can also be added to cocktails and desserts as a natural and sweet sugar substitute.

Why ekogram.pl?

Our eco food offers come only from proven producers. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the details of the superfoods offer contained in our online store.