19 products

BIO Kasza Jaglana - Ekologiczna - 750g
From 15,99 zł
Organic Millet
BIO Kasza Gryczana - Niepalona - Ekologiczna - 700g
From 18,99 zł
Organic Buckwheat Groats
BIO Quinoa biała 650g - ekogram
From 20,99 zł
Organic Quinoa White
Siemię Lniane Złote BIO - 500g - Ekogram
BIO Komosa Ryżowa - Trójkolorowa - Quinoa - Ekologiczna - 400g
BIO Ryż Czarny - Ekologiczny - 500g
21,99 zł
Organic Black Rice 500g
BIO Mąka Ryżowa - Ekologiczna - 500g
19,99 zł
Organic Rice Flour 500g
BIO Ryż Czerwony - Ekologiczny - 500g
15,99 zł
Organic Red Rice 500g
BIO Ryż  Arborio - Ekologiczny - 500g
26,99 zł
Organic Arborio Rice 500g
BIO Ryż Długoziarnisty - Brązowy - Ekologiczny - 500g
16,99 zł
Organic Brown Rice 500g
BIO Amarantus - Ekologiczny - 500g
16,99 zł
Organic Amaranth 500g
BIO Fonio 500g - Ekologiczne
28,99 zł
Organic Fonio 500g
BIO Komosa Ryżowa - Czarna - Quinoa - Ekologiczna - 400g
23,99 zł
Organic Black Quinoa 400g
BIO Ryż Basmati - Brązowy - Ekologiczny - 500g
Sold Out
BIO Komosa Ryżowa - Czerwona - Quinoa - Ekologiczna - 400g
21,99 zł
Organic Red Quinoa 400g
Sold Out
Organic Wild Rice 250g
49,99 zł
Organic Wild Rice 250g
Sold Out

Groats, rice and other grains

In the offer of our health food store you will find various types of rice, groats and other grains in an ecological version , which you can use to prepare various sweet and savory dishes. We all know that rice, groats or quinoa are valuable cereal products that are a source of carbohydrates, vegetable protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber . In addition, they are very widely used in the kitchen , which makes us more and more willing to replace traditional potatoes with jasmine rice or buckwheat . A wide selection of available types of beans allows you to diversify your daily meals, experiment with various dishes and create original flavor combinations. Rice and groats are suitable for people on a gluten-free diet and are an integral part of the athlete's diet.

Choose from high-quality organic jasmine rice, basmati rice, rice, brown, red, black or unrefined wild rice. Reach for bio buckwheat , millet , amaranth or quinoa . Conjure up aromatic stews, sauces, soups, kasotta, risotto, casseroles, stuffings and salads from your favorite grains.

What rice is best for sushi?

The best, traditional sushi is prepared from rice with short and round grains that quickly absorb water and are very sticky after cooking. This is the so-called pearl rice, from which it is easy to form various shapes of sushi. The most valued varieties of sushi rice are koshihikari, sasanishiki, akitakomachi, calrose and japonica.

Rice for risotto - which is the best?

The best rice for risotto has short grains with a rounded, bulbous shape. Avoid rice with long and thin grains, with which you will not be able to achieve the characteristic, creamy texture of risotto. Arborio rice is the best choice. It perfectly absorbs the water from the broth and the aroma of all the ingredients, while it does not overcook and retains a delicate, sticky consistency.

How to cook plain rice?

If you want to get a loose consistency of rice, first reach for the right variety. Long-grain, low-starch varieties such as basmati or jasmine rice are ideal. Before cooking , rinse the grains in a sieve under a stream of lukewarm water. Rinse until the water turns from white to clear. This will remove excess starch that can cause the grains to stick together. Put the rinsed rice in a saucepan and pour water in the ratio of 1.5 cups of water to 1 cup of rice. Add a pinch of salt and cook covered. Then reduce the gas to a minimum and cook for about 10-15 minutes until the rice absorbs all the liquid, softens, but still loose.

Which rice is the healthiest?

In our opinion, the healthiest rice is the one that serves us and tastes good. However, the richest in vitamins and minerals are unrefined, wholegrain rice varieties such as brown rice, black rice, red rice or wild rice .

What to do so that millet is not bitter?

Cooked millet may have a slightly bitter taste. The fat in the beans, which may have gone rancid , is responsible for this bitterness. However, this does not mean that the porridge is no longer suitable for consumption. You can easily get rid of the bitterness by toasting the groats in a dry frying pan until they emit a delicate, nutty aroma. The second effective way is to soak millet for a few hours in cold water with a little lemon juice. Rinse the soaked or roasted groats with cold and then boiling water and cook as you like in water, milk or vegetable drink.

Roasted or unroasted buckwheat?

Roasted and unroasted buckwheat groats are the same type of groats that have undergone slightly different processing processes. Roasted buckwheat is made by roasting , hence its slightly brown color, nutty aroma and distinct taste with a hint of bitterness. Unroasted buckwheat is only dried , thanks to which it retains its creamy color, delicate taste and aroma. Which cash to choose? It depends entirely on you and your palate. Both groats are equally valuable in terms of nutrients. Smoking groats can only reduce the amount of antioxidants contained in it, but we have fresh vegetables and fruits to supplement polyphenols.

Which porridge is the least caloric?

All groats have a similar energy value of over 300 kcal in 100 g of dry groats. Unroasted buckwheat groats are considered the least caloric, containing about 336 kcal in 100 g. It seems that a lot. However, you must take into account the fact that grains grow and swell during cooking , and thus change their volume and weight, and thus also the number of calories. In 100 g of cooked groats, you will find even 2-3 times less calories than in a dry, uncooked product.

Quinoa - what to use for?

Quinoa , also known as quinoa , can be used in exactly the same way as rice or any groats. Quinoa is a great ingredient for oriental sauces, stews, soups, salads and all kinds of stuffing . It can also be a base for preparing a nutritious porridge-style breakfast . Just cook quinoa in milk or vegetable drink and add your favorite nuts, seeds and dried and fresh fruits to it.