12 products

BIO Mąka Owsiana - Ekologiczna - 500g
11,99 zł
Organic Oat Flour 500g
Organic Almond Flour 350g
44,99 zł
Organic Almond Flour 350g
BIO Mąka Kokosowa - Odtłuszczona - Ekologiczna - 500g
10,99 zł
Organic Coconut Flour 500g
BIO Mąka z Manioku - Ekologiczna - 500g
From 14,99 zł
Organic Cassava Flour
BIO Mąka Gryczana - Ekologiczna - 500g
24,99 zł
Organic Buckwheat Flour 500g
Mąka Kasztanowa BIO - 400g - Ekologiczna
39,99 zł
Organic Chestnut Flour 400g
BIO Mąka Ryżowa - Ekologiczna - 500g
19,99 zł
Organic Rice Flour 500g
BIO Mąka z Ciecierzycy - Ekologiczna - 500g
19,99 zł
Organic Chickpea Flour 500g
BIO Tapioka - Skrobia z Manioku - Ekologiczna - 500g
16,99 zł
Organic Tapioca 500g
BIO Mąka Kukurydziana - Ekologiczna - 500g
11,99 zł
Organic Corn Flour 500g
BIO Maranta Trzcinowa - Ekologiczna - 500g
23,99 zł
Organic Arrowroot Powder 500g
BIO Skrobia Kukurydziana - Ekologiczna - 500g
16,99 zł
Organic Corn Starch 500g

Organic flours

Organic flour is a universal product, thanks to which you can create brilliant pastries such as bread, pizza bases, cakes, muffins, tarts or cookies. You can also prepare pancakes, pancakes, omelettes, waffles, tortillas, homemade pasta, potato dumplings, dumplings and dumplings from various types of flour. Our organic flour is ground from pesticide-free grain, grown in soil fertilized only with natural substances and is not chemically processed. In our health food store you will find:

Which flours are gluten-free?

Ekogram offers many types of gluten-free flours, each of which has a slightly different taste, texture and nutritional composition.

  • BIO almond flour is made from blanched, ground almonds. It is characterized by a nutty taste and aroma. It can be used as an excellent grain-free alternative to breadcrumbs in homemade coatings. In combination with yeast flakes, it will be perfect as a vegan pasta parmesan. You can replace wheat flour in baking with it, but only if you add an egg. Almond flour is best stored in the refrigerator.
  • BIO Buckwheat flour is characterized by a rich, earthy taste and works best in baking bread. Buckwheat dough tends to crumble, so it should be combined with other gluten-free flours, such as rice flour.
  • BIO Teff Flour is produced from the smallest grain in the world, i.e. the plant of Abyssinian grass growing in north-eastern Africa. It is perfect for baking traditional sourdough bread, pancakes, omelettes, pancakes and for thickening sauces or soups. In your recipes, you can replace 25-50% of wheat flour with it.
  • BIO Arrowroot is made from a starchy substance extracted from a tropical plant known as Maranta arundinacea. It is a versatile flour that you can use as a thickener in soups or sauces, and mix with almond, coconut or cassava flour in bread and dessert recipes.
  • BIO Rice Flour is simply finely ground brown rice. It is a type of whole wheat flour containing bran, germ and endosperm. It can be used to thicken sauces or prepare breaded dishes, e.g. cutlets or fish fillets. From rice flour, you can also prepare Asian noodles or bake delicious breads, cakes and cookies.
  • BIO Oatmeal is made by grinding whole-grain oats. Gives baked goods a better flavor than all-purpose flour and provides a more chewy, moist and crumbly texture.
  • BIO corn flour is a very finely ground version of corn flour. It is made from the whole grain, including the bran, germ and endosperm. It works best when used as a thickener for sauces and soups, as well as a base for tortillas and bread.
  • BIO chickpea flour is produced by grinding dry chickpea grains. It has a slightly nutty flavor and a grainy texture. It is popular in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine. Chickpea flour is used to make falafel, hummus and flatbreads, but it is also perfect as an egg substitute in vegan dishes, coating for chops or a binder for vegetarian burgers.
  • BIO Coconut flour is obtained from dried coconut flesh. It has a mild, sweet, coconut flavor. Its light texture gives similar baking results to wheat flour, so it works well in bread, cake, pancake and omelet recipes. However, keep in mind that coconut flour absorbs much more liquid than wheat flour and tends to dry out baked goods. The addition of an egg helps to give them the right structure.
  • BIO millet flour is simply ground millet groats. It is perfect for recipes for pancakes, omelettes, pancakes, sweet pastries. It can also thicken soups and stews. To obtain a successful baking, it is best to mix millet flour with another type of gluten-free flour.
  • BIO Tapioca - Manioc starch is made from the starchy part of cassava by rubbing and drying the whole root. This type of flour is most similar to wheat flour. It has a neutral taste and is easily digestible. It is also a less caloric version of coconut or almond flour.
  • BIO Chestnut flour is made by grinding dried chestnuts. It has a delicate, nutty and sweet taste and a light brown color, which is why it works great in recipes for cakes, pancakes, pancakes, muffins or waffles. However, it is worth mixing it with other flours. The content of chestnut flour can be about 30-50% of the whole mixture.

Which flour has the fewest calories?

All flours have a similar calorific value, oscillating in the values ​​of 300-365 kcal in 100 g. The lowest caloric flours include manioc flour, coconut flour, wholegrain wheat flour and buckwheat flour.

Which flour has the least carbohydrates?

Coconut flour and almond flour are the most popular low-carb flours. They can be successfully consumed by people eating in accordance with the recommendations of the ketogenic or low-carbohydrate diet.

Which flour can replace wheat flour in baking?

There are several alternatives for people on a gluten-free diet. Wheat flour is a good substitute for oat flour, which has similar properties to wheat flour and gives the dough the desired consistency. Millet flour will also work here, but you need to combine it with other gluten-free flour in the proportion of 1.5 cups of millet flour and 1 cup of e.g. corn or rice flour. Chickpea flour is suitable for yeast baking. It sticks the dough well and gives it moisture. However, it is recommended to use it in combination with, for example, rice flour or corn starch. Rice flour baked goods are light and fluffy, which is why this type of flour is often used to make pasta.

How to store organic flour?

Store organic flour, just like conventional flour, in a dry and cool place, away from light and moisture. Absolutely do not keep flour in the refrigerator! This product is best served at room temperature. Pour the flour into a jar or plastic container, close it tightly and store it in a cupboard or drawer. In this way, you will avoid the infestation of flour by unwanted tenants.

Is coconut flour good for baking?

Yes! You can use coconut flour for baking. However, it is worth knowing the rules of using this type of flour in your baking so that they are successful. Every 1/4 cup of coconut flour typically requires the addition of one egg. This is due to its exceptional absorbency, which is why it may often be necessary to increase the amount of other liquids in a recipe as well.

What to use oatmeal for?

With oat flour you can prepare delicious and fluffy pancakes, omelets, waffles, muffins or cakes. It is a very good substitute for wheat flour, which will work in all baked goods and dishes in which you would normally use wheat flour.

How to use chickpea flour?

Chickpea omelettes are already a classic of the vegan diet. Just mix 1 cup of chickpea flour with 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of yeast flakes, a pinch of salt, pepper and turmeric. Of course, don't forget about your favorite additions, such as fresh peppers, cherry tomatoes, onions or parsley. Chickpea flour is also great for making pancakes or pancakes. It can also be an excellent substitute for cream in thickening soups and sauces.