
Oct 20, 2022
First of all, we would like to introduce you to the best sources of carbohydrates, which are the basis of the diet in most cases.
Oct 19, 2022
There were already carbohydrates, there were fats, time for protein and its best sources in food. Protein is a macronutrient that we need less for energy purposes and more for building purposes: it is an essential building block for all tissues, as well as numerous biologically active compounds in the body (e.g. some hormones, transporters).
Oct 19, 2022
Lentils, due to their valuable nutritional properties, are an invaluable product, used by many in the daily diet. There are several varieties of it - incl. red and green. So, which lentils should you choose? Are there any differences other than color? We explain what the properties of both types of lentils are and what makes them different.
Oct 19, 2022
Flour is an inseparable element of many dishes. During the diet, we try to choose the one that is the least caloric. It is also worth ensuring that the flour supplies our body with vitamins that are often lacking during the diet. There are many types of healthy food available on the market. Check which flour to choose so that it is the lightest and most valuable at the same time.
Oct 19, 2022
The question "what to eat for breakfast?" thousands of people ask themselves every day. Surely you also had this dilemma. And that's a good thing - after all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it is supposed to ensure a really healthy start and provide the necessary amount of energy.
Oct 19, 2022
Competition - #zielonowszafce