przepis na brownie z awokado

Recipe for Sensational Avocado Brownie

Jun 14, 2024 Michał Pelc

Hi! I present to you a delicious recipe for an avocado brownie. This cake is truly unique, juicy and full of flavor. The preparation is simple and the effect is surprisingly good. If you are a fan of brownies, this recipe will surely delight you.

Avocado brownie

The best I've ever eaten!

  • Category -
  • Number of servings 6
  • Calories -
  • Preparation time 5 minutes
  • Cooking time 40 minutes
  • Total time 45 minutes


Preparation of Avocado

Start by mashing the avocado with a fork. It is important that the avocado is ripe, which will make our work easier. The mashed avocado should have a uniform, smooth structure.

Adding Wet Ingredients

Add almond milk and maple syrup to the crushed avocado. Mix everything thoroughly in a larger bowl to avoid spilling.

Preparation of Dry Ingredients

In a separate bowl, sift the wheat flour. Add baking soda, salt and cocoa to it and mix thoroughly. Sifting the cocoa is especially important to avoid lumps.

Combining Ingredients

Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix everything thoroughly. Finally, we add chocolate drops that will give the brownie a unique structure.

Preparing the mold

Line the baking tin with baking paper. Then pour the dough into it, spreading it evenly with a rubber spatula or spoon.


Bake the brownie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. After baking, it is worth waiting about 15 minutes before cutting the cake so that it is not too hot.


Consistency and Taste

After baking, the brownie is juicy, chewy and extremely tasty. This is the perfect dessert that will delight every chocolate lover.


This avocado brownie recipe is the perfect way to prepare a healthy and delicious dessert. Simple to make, yet full of flavor. Try it yourself and see how amazing this cake can be!

I encourage tosubscribe to my channelso as not to miss more simple and healthy recipes. Enjoy your meal!

It is worth remembering that availabilityorganic cocoamay be limited and its prices may increase. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on cocoa, because there is currently a crisis on the cocoa market (spring 2024). Additionally, I encourage you to share your favorite recipes with cocoa in the comments.

Watch the video with the recipe for avocado brownie

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