Vegan cake - 2 recipes that always go well!

Oct 19, 2022 Michał Pelc

Most people think that vegans who give up meat and animal products have a very poor diet. Nothing could be more wrong. Vegans have a very varied diet, extremely healthy and most often surprising with their solutions - especially people who are unfamiliar with their lifestyle. Here are two proofs of it.

Vegan cake for everyone!

Desserts can be not only tasty, but also very healthy. Vegan cake recipes are a great example of this. Baking in line with the vegan philosophy, i.e. without animal products (milk, eggs, butter) , and therefore the typical ingredients that are the basis of many cakes, certainly requires openness and a new approach to the subject. However, it gives a lot of fun in culinary experiments . Today, healthy cuisine offers numerous substitutes that can be successfully used for baking: vegan milk, vegetable oils. In addition, we have various types of brown sugar, healthy flours, which additionally give the cakes a unique aroma, e.g. coconut flour, which you can find with us;)

Instead of an egg, you can use another "binder", for example:

  • 2 tablespoons of corn flour
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed soaked in hot water
  • 2 tablespoons of amaranth flour
  • 2 tablespoons of potato flour
  • 1 tablespoon powdered soy milk + 1 tablespoon corn flour + 2 tablespoons water
  • 1/4 cup mashed potatoes

The recipes presented below are simple. The taste of the cake is not much different from traditional ones and can be recommended to all who pay attention to what they eat and want to eat consciously. It is also an excellent solution for people with various allergies, food hypersensitivity or lactose intolerance. Going one step further, you can replace regular flour with gluten-free flour and we have the perfect cake for people with gluten intolerance. These recipes are the best proof that a healthy diet does not have to mean giving up sweets.

Vegan cake recipes

Mazurek is a traditional Christmas cake, but in this version it can be eaten all year round, like any other cake with a crispy base.

Mazurka with date mass

Ingredients for the bottom:

  • 400 g of rye flour (4 cups) can also be corn
  • 200 g of coconut oil
  • 6 tablespoons of linseed soaked in hot water
  • 25 g sugar (2 tablespoons)
  • pinch of salt


Put the flour, egg substitute (soaked linseed), sugar, salt and coconut oil in a bowl. Knead quickly, because shortcrust doughs do not like long kneading. Shape into a ball, wrap in foil and refrigerate for approx. 2 hours. (and preferably all night long). Then spread it on the table, sprinkle with flour and crush it into a thin cake. Put on a greased baking tray, forming a slightly higher edge. Bake until golden brown in a preheated oven. 20 minutes at 180 degrees is enough.

Ingredients for the date mass:

  • 200 g of dates
  • 1 cup of homemade apple juice (you can also compote without sugar)
  • A tablespoon of orange peel
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut shrims

To decoration:
Dried apricots, raisins, almonds, and walnuts

Soak the dates in the apple juice for about 2-3 hours until they are soft. Then simmer until overcooked, occasionally baste with apple juice or water. Mix until smooth. Add the orange zest and coconut flakes. After cooling, put an even layer on the cake. The mass should spread like jam, sprinkle with dried fruit and nuts. And it's ready.

Vegan apple pie

Apple pie is a cake that always goes out, tastes good for almost everyone, and it smells like apples and cinnamon when baking it at home. It's a cake for all occasions - although it is also perfect for occasions.
How to make them vegan?
The given ingredients are calculated on a round plate with a diameter of 26 cm.


  • 225 g of spelled flour
  • 115 g of coconut oil
  • 90 g of sugar
  • 1 g bourbon vanilla
  • ½ baking powder packs
  • 160 ml of water
  • Pinch of salt
  • Half a lemon juice
  • 2-3 large apples (old varieties are ideal, e.g. gray rennet, boscopes, but hard to get, so it can also be jonagold)
  • cinnamon

Ingredients for the crumble:

  • 80-100 g of sugar
  • 120 g of coconut oil
  • A little flour - that was the right consistency
  • Some cinnamon

In addition to the apples, mix all ingredients. If the dough is too dry - add a little water, if too wet, sprinkle with flour. Grease the mold with fat and put the dough into it. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into small strips. Spread the sliced ​​apples evenly on the dough, press it down lightly. If you like, you can sprinkle the apples lightly with cinnamon. Mix the ingredients for a crumble. Tear off small pieces and crumble into a cake. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees with hot air for about 45 minutes. It's best to check with a stick if there is no cake left on it, because if the apples have a lot of juice, you need to bake a little longer. It is healthiest to eat after cooling down, but this can be a problem, because when hot it is also very tasty, so it may not last.

Check also our other entries:

Veggie Burgers - Top 3 Recipes

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