Vegan potato pancakes

Feb 24, 2019 Michał Pelc

"I haven't eaten that yet" is a series of films that encourage you to experiment in the kitchen. In this series, I prepare dishes that I have never made myself. I want to show you that cooking is not difficult at all. I choose interesting dishes from cookbooks and prepare them together for the first time. Check out my new series on YouTube.

The best potato pancakes

This is a recipe for Jadłonomia from the book NEW JELLANOMY. I recommend! This is a vegan version of pancakes without egg and wheat flour.

Ingredients for vegan potato pancakes

Grate the potatoes together with the onion. I used a grater with large holes. Then add the chickpea flour, spices and mix thoroughly.

Heat the coconut oil well in a frying pan and form small pancakes. Fry for a few minutes on each side until golden brown.

I got 5 average number of pies from this amount. In my opinion, this is a portion for one person :)

See the video recipe for vegan potato pancakes

The author of the recipe is Marta Dymek (Jadłonomia) ->

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