Superfood - natural and healthy food

Jun 06, 2019 Michał Pelc

Superfood, or superfood, is a natural, healthy food with extraordinary properties. No more artificial dietary supplements - you are entirely satisfied with balanced, nutritious meals and vitamin bombs in the form of superfoods. Or maybe you have deficiencies in the body? Do you want to improve your health? Below is a list of superfoods that will help you learn how to eat healthy and tasty.

Superfood - what is superfood?

Superfood are products that quickly and naturally replenish the deficiencies of micro- and macronutrients in the body. They improve health and support the functioning of the body. Eating superfood on a daily basis can have a positive effect on the mood, concentration and the whole body (improvement of skin condition and color, strengthening of hair and nails, increased immunity). Superfoods also stimulate the body and reduce fatigue.

Superfood has antifungal properties and is also rich in e.g. in protein, vitamins (including B6), omega-3 acids, folic acid and iron.

How to eat healthy and cheap? Superfood every day

The term superfood sounds exotic, but superfoods aren't all about goji berries, quinoa, chia seeds, amaranth and pecan nuts. These are also our Polish products that you can buy in the season for a really low price. The list of products that we have prepared for you includes, among others precisely from Polish ingredients.

Superfood - these products are worth eating:

  • yeast flakes,

  • hemp oil,

  • chia seeds,

  • Linseed,

  • maca,

  • young barley,

  • Goji berries,

  • kale,

  • hemp seeds,

  • hemp flour,

  • pomegranate seeds.

The list of products is long, but that doesn't mean you have to go to the store right away and buy everything on it. First, find recipes that interest you, and then create a shopping list based on them.

Organic superfoods

It is worth betting on eco food. Eco products come from organic farming, they are also cultivated differently, so you can find more vitamins and minerals in them. In addition, the crops are environmentally friendly, and thanks to stringent standards that farmers must meet, among others when spraying, eco products contain less heavy metals, pesticides and nitrates.

Everyday superfood - where to get recipes?

There are many superfood books on the market. One of the most popular is Jamie Olivier's book "Superfood Everyday". In it you will find interesting recipes for delicious dishes that can be made with superfoods. Jamie Olivier in his recipes uses, inter alia, nuts, oils, millet, berries, honey from proven apiaries, buckwheat and green vegetables. You will also find recipes with quinoa, goji berries, chia seeds and matcha.

There is a chapter in the book on sound nutrition. The author informs readers about the importance of individual macro and micronutrients, water, and also writes about the consumption of meat, dairy products and alcohol.

Polish superfoods

Replace goji berries with chokeberry or dark blueberries, and quinoa - with buckwheat. Sprinkle parsley over your food and add it generously to soups, limit salt and processed foods, add garlic to your meals and enjoy the health benefits of Polish superfoods.

It is worth including products from our list in your menu for several reasons. First of all, consumed regularly, they have a beneficial effect on health: they will not only strengthen the body and protect you against diseases, but also allow you to overcome chronic fatigue, and can also help stabilize the iron level in the blood.

It's worth eating healthy and unprocessed foods!

Many people wonder how to eat healthy. Some people believe that eating healthy is expensive food. And that's not true! The above list of superfoods consists of Polish vegetables, fruits and spices, so you can easily take care of your healthy diet. Eating superfoods on a daily basis can be both cheap and tasty.

Superfood quickly replenishes deficiencies in the body. These foods are extremely high in nutritional value, and if consumed regularly, they can improve your well-being and overall health. Superfoods have a proven pro-health value. They contain a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, often also proteins and unsaturated fatty acids. Superfood supports the proper functioning of the intestines and the development of proper bacterial flora on a daily basis, while limiting the growth of yeasts and fungi.

We hope you already know how to eat healthy, while maintaining the right balance between ecology, health properties and price. Choose simple meals, buy native superfoods or larger packages, use them wisely and enjoy health and a slim figure.

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