Types of table salt - which one to choose?

Jul 17, 2019 Michał Pelc

Table salt is a tough topic. This spice gives flavor to dishes and provides many valuable minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc and manganese. Nutritionists, however, have been alarming for years: we consume far too much salt. As if that was not enough, other, in theory, healthier types of spices have appeared on the market. So which salt to choose? What salt is the healthiest? For answers, please read the article.

Salt and health

Rock salt is used in the food industry . It is cheap and has preservative properties - therefore producers add it in large quantities not only to ready-made meals, but also to products such as cold meats, cheeses, sometimes sweets and bread. This is why salt consumption is increasing year by year . The WHO is sounding the alarm that it would be optimal to consume about 5 g of salt a day . This is the amount of one teaspoon. Too much of it can lead to problems with the heart, kidneys and circulatory system. How then, bearing in mind the significantly exceeded norms and at the same time its health effects, limit the consumption of salt?

The key is to eliminate highly processed products. Additionally, experiment with herbs and other spices that add flavor to your food. These can be garlic, ginger, turmeric, pepper or lemon juice . Then not exceeding 5 g of salt a day should not be a big problem.

Table salt - application

You do not eat processed food and do you ensure that your basket contains healthy, fresh and ecological products? Therefore, it is not necessary for you to completely eliminate the salt added to your meals. Remember that salt is especially useful for people who exercise . In addition, remember that it can be used for purposes other than improving the taste of food.

Unusual properties of table salt:

  • a bath with the addition of salt will relax you and make your skin firm,
  • you can make a home scrub with salt,
  • salt works great as a moisture absorber,
  • added salt to hot water, which is in the hot water bottle, will keep it warm for longer.

But let's get back to the salting of dishes: which salt to choose? Which salt is the healthiest and most nutritious?

Which salt is the best?

There are many different types of salt: rock, sea, black, Himalayan, iodized, non-iodized and the Dead Sea. In addition, the packages bear the words "iodized" and "non-iodized". So which of them will be the healthiest?

Iodized and non-iodized salt

You will find different types of table salt on the market. Iodized salt is due to the fact that in some regions it was not possible to provide iodine in water or food, even in small amounts . Non-iodized salt, in turn, will work well in the production of homemade preserves. This is the type of salt we recommend because it is the least processed.

Rock salt and sea salt

Rock salt was formed a long time ago - then the planet was mostly covered by seas. Thanks to the warming of the climate and the evaporation of water, salt crystallized and, as a result, its deposits were formed. Technically speaking, it is sea salt, obtained from a stone formed long before man began to walk on the ground.

In turn , sea salt, which can be purchased in stores under this name, is obtained from salty waters on an ongoing basis . A healthy proposition for this variety will be Nigari sea salt , which is a side effect of the formation of classic sea salt. It consists of 95% magnesium chloride. You can read more about this in the article Nigari - a spice you need to know . Nigari sea salt also gives the dishes an unusual taste.

Table salt that most Poles have in their homes is purified salt and additionally enriched with iodine and special substances that prevent it from clumping. It is therefore a highly processed product that does not contain a large amount of other minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, zinc or manganese. So choose its healthier versions - crude salts that do not contain unnecessary enhancers.

Kłodawa salt

Kłodawa salt comes from the mines in Kłodawa. It is Polish salt that does not contain anti-caking agents and is not purified , and it is not transported to us from distant countries. It is rock salt and therefore has the same properties (largely composed of sodium). Depending on the concentration of minerals, it can be gray, pink or blue in color. It is worth remembering - the colorful Kłodawa salt does not have to contain improvers to give it a beautiful shade! So you don't have to be afraid of its color.

Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt has recently broken popularity records - it is unrefined and does not contain unnecessary additives . In addition, it has a beautiful pink or gray color. The properties and uses of Himalayan salt are the same as those of unrefined rock salt - and the quantity of both products must not be exaggerated. Too frequent adding salt to food causes that we mainly consume sodium , which in excessive amounts has a negative effect on health.

Kala Namak salt (black salt) - properties

Kala Namak black salt is used both in Polish and oriental cuisine . It is also perfect as an addition to all vegan dishes. Contrary to appearances, it does not have a black color - it takes colors from dirty pink to purple. Kala Namak salt additionally contains large amounts of iron . It also has a distinctive, egg-like aroma that gives the dishes a distinctive, unusual taste.

Dead Sea salt

Dead Sea salt is mainly used in cosmetics . It can help in the treatment of acne, cellulite and psoriasis. It is the salt most often added to cosmetics all over the world. Such sea salt has interesting properties because it contains:

  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • sodium
  • chlorides
  • potassium
  • bromides.

Dead Sea sea salt is also used for sore throats - it can help fight infection and pain, and it can also help get rid of bad breath.

Which salt to choose?

So what salt to choose? A lot depends on what your taste preferences are. Each salt should be used sparingly , interchangeably with additives such as organic spices or herbs. However, it is difficult to say unequivocally which salt is best for you, because they all contain iodine to a large extent, the excess of salt is conducive to the development of many serious diseases. However, if you use it in small amounts, it is worth choosing salt for its taste .

What salt is the healthiest?

Which salt is the healthiest? We advise you to choose Himalayan rock salt, Kala Namak and Kłodawa salt . Healthy table salt is one that is not highly processed - so pay attention to whether the salt you choose has additives in the form of anti-caking agents. Salt can have a beneficial effect on health if you consume it in small amounts. So let's include it in your menu, but in a small amount.

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