Why is it worth eating black cumin?

Oct 19, 2022 Michał Pelc

Can you imagine a miracle remedy that works for almost every ailment? Although it seems impossible, the Egyptians in ancient times considered black cumin a plant that is able to fight all diseases. Today it turns out that in many respects these observations are confirmed by the greatest medical authorities. Black seed is an excellent agent that fights bacteria, viruses and improves various beauty defects. So it's worth eating it!

Black seed is a spice that contains many essential nutrients. It is worth adding that this plant is the most popular in the Middle East, India and other Asian countries. Czarnuszka is valued there not only for its taste and, as confirmed by historical sources, it has been used for over 2,000 years.

Great power hidden in tiny black cumin seeds

Research by Western doctors, which was carried out intensively in the 1970s, confirmed the miraculous properties of black cumin. The small sesame-like grains contain a large amount of B and A, E, F vitamins and minerals such as:

  • magnesium,
  • calcium,
  • selenium,
  • zinc,
  • potassium,
  • sodium and iron.

In addition, you can also find antioxidants, good fatty acids, phospholipids, carbohydrates and essential amino acids in nothing.

These little seeds are even said to work:

  • pain reliever,
  • antiviral,
  • lower blood pressure,
  • stabilize insulin levels,
  • fight ulcers,
  • anemia,
  • improve kidney function
  • and liver.

Black seed is also recommended in diseases caused by helicobacter pylori, it alleviates the symptoms of asthma and diabetes. Its consumption is recommended for Candida and other fungal diseases.

It is worth reaching for black seeds especially in the autumn and winter period, when we are extremely susceptible to various infections. A runny nose and a cold can effectively exclude you from an active life, and so far no effective cure for them has been invented. Regular consumption of black cumin improves immunity , and in the event of illness, it significantly facilitates and speeds up recovery.
In acute conditions, it is worth helping, for example, with black cumin nasal drops, which can be easily prepared on the basis of saline available at any pharmacy.

BIO Black Cumin - 50g - Grain - Organic

How to eat black cumin?

Black cumin seeds have an intense flavor and aroma. They are perfect as a pepper replacement (it is milder, despite the fact that it gives the dishes a distinct taste), which is beneficial for people suffering from gastric problems. Black seed is an excellent ingredient for making medicinal honey and tinctures.
You can sprinkle sandwiches and salads with raw, crushed in a mortar or ground grains, and you can also add them to dishes such as:

  • pastes,
  • stuffing,
  • vegetables,
  • Casserolles,
  • or meat.

Gourmets also praise them as an addition to rolls or bread baked according to traditional recipes . Ground black cumin seeds mixed with water create a sticky substance that can replace eggs in vegan dishes or in dishes for allergy sufferers.

Black seed for health

In addition to grains, it is also worth being interested in black cumin oil .

Black cumin oil BIO - Cold pressed

Prophylactically, for strengthening it is best to take one tablespoon of this drug once a day, about an hour before eating. To soften the taste, you can add a little honey to it, or freshly squeezed juice from any fruit. In complementary treatments, the use of drugs, e.g. in autoimmune diseases, it is recommended to consume one tablespoon of black cumin oil three times a day before a meal . In both cases, it is also worth consuming fresh garlic.

Black seed for beauty

Cosmetology has also discovered Czarnuszka. This spice is especially helpful in diseases related to acne or atopic dermatitis. For home use, make yourself an alcohol-based face wash. Half a cup of black cumin seeds should be poured with a glass of forty percent alcohol and set aside. After seven days, filter and use to wash the face in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of tincture to an incomplete glass of mineral water.
Small black cumin seeds have been considered a panacea for all ailments since ancient times. So let's find out for yourself about its beneficial properties. In return, you can feel better, strengthen the body and give yourself vitality . It's best to start today, the more that it has no side effects, there is no risk of overdosing it and it is really tasty!

When buying black cumin, it is worth paying attention to whether the selected product has the " BIO " designation - then we will be sure that we will get the highest quality black cumin.

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