Young barley - is it really such a hit?

Oct 19, 2022 Michał Pelc

Some time ago, young barley appeared on the Polish market, which, according to many reports, is responsible for the slim figure of many celebrities. According to media reports, young barley easily loses weight, is 100% natural, healthy, improves skin tone, condition of hair and nails, and increases energy and vitality. It is hard to find a better recommendation. How is it really? Let's check it.

If you are wondering, what exactly is young barley? This plant is a treasure trove of healthy ingredients and is very popular with people who care for a healthy diet.
Young barley is harvested in the very early growth period, when the concentration of nutrients is highest. Only 7-10 days old shoots are collected. Depending on the further treatment, powder or tablets are obtained.

What does young barley help?

Products that contain it have a very positive effect on our health. Young barley has a positive effect on cholesterol, normalizes blood sugar and pressure. It helps with weight loss, accelerates the healing of ulcers and skin inflammations, including acne. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. It strengthens the immune system, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It reduces the risk of cancer and slows down the aging process. It adds energy and improves mood, deacidifies and cleanses the body of toxins.
Young barley provides many vitamins:

  • A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, K,
  • folic acid,
  • pantothenic acid,
  • beta-carotene,
  • calcium,
  • iron,
  • magnesium,
  • zinc,
  • chrome,
  • chlorophyll and 20 different amino acids.

It provides all the necessary ingredients that our body needs.


  • twice as much beta-carotene as carrots
  • 7 times more vitamin C than orange juice
  • 11 times more calcium than milk
  • 5 times more iron than spinach
  • 2 times more fiber than bran
  • 4 times more vitamin B than whole grain flour
  • 18 important vitamins
  • a powerful dose of antioxidants and chlorophyll.

What to eat barley with?

Young barley has a taste similar to spinach with a slightly sweet hint. It can be eaten in the form of tablets or powder. It goes well with a variety of food products. It can be used as:

  • addition to smoothies, yoghurt, bread spreads
  • sprinkles for salads or muesli, sandwiches
  • addition to rice, soups, although you have to be careful with the temperature. Too high destroys valuable ingredients.

What and where to buy barley?

Best in proven ecological stores , where we can be sure of the appropriate quality of the product. Tablets or powder have the same properties, so you can choose the form that will be most convenient for you to use every day.
Barley preparations should be consumed throughout the year, especially in the autumn and winter season , when it is more difficult to find fresh fruit and vegetables. Regular consumption of young barley will not only effectively replace morning coffee, but above all provide us with the necessary vitamins and minerals . All this to feel healthy and to face the next day in full strength. Summing up: young barley is a real hit!

Check out organic young barley in our store:

BIO Young Barley

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