How to stay hydrated?

Oct 19, 2022 Michał Pelc

In the first episode of our Wednesday cycle, we will take a closer look at the topic of water and adequate hydration, because it is a substance necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Our body consists of approximately 85% water:

  • water is a component of the blood and lymph and therefore essential for nourishing the cells in our body
  • is necessary to maintain the proper hydration of the mucosa that lines, among others, the walls of the digestive tract - only with adequate hydration will the processes of digestion and absorption proceed properly
  • it is indispensable in the thermoregulation process
  • provides us with bicarbonates - buffers that help maintain a constant pH of blood and urine
  • it is needed by the kidneys to filter and excrete waste products

Sounds like there's no life without water? This is the case, and yet many of us neglect the issue of adequate hydration. Every day, through the skin, with urine, feces and exhaled air, we lose about 2l of water - this amount obviously increases when the ambient temperature rises, our physical activity increases or in some physiological states. We must therefore deliver it in order to even out the balance sheet. Some will provide us with food, but the basis will of course be drinking - preferably water - not coffee or tea. Here are some practical tips we can follow to stay hydrated:

  • drink approx. 1.5-2l of water a day, increase the supply in hot weather or when you are in heavily heated rooms and when you increase physical activity
  • adults should drink mineral water, i.e. water containing 1000 - 2000 mg of minerals in 1l - a good strategy is to rotate medium and highly mineralized waters
  • for infants and young children, spring waters will be suitable, i.e. with a low degree of mineralization, not exceeding 500 mg / l
  • adding a little salt to the water will improve its hydrating properties - Himalayan or Kłodawa salt will be great here, which will provide an additional portion of minerals - this treatment is worth using in the morning, right after waking up, when we need to replenish the water resources lost during sleep
  • before the first meal, it is also worth adding lemon juice to the water to stimulate gastric juices that will ensure good digestion, or if we suffer from hyperacidity, erosions or ulcers - aloe juice, which supports the regeneration of the mucosa
  • drink in small portions between meals, not during them - it's best to wait min. 30 minutes
  • always have water close to you, within sight - seeing it makes it easier to remember to drink - remember this also during long journeys
  • On this occasion, it is impossible not to mention the packaging: glass packaging would be the best, but it is known that they are heavy, and convenience is also an important aspect - remember, however, not to use PET bottles repeatedly, not to leave them in the car or other places where it may be overheating
  • when choosing a reusable bottle / water bottle, choose those made of good quality plastic, BPA-free - those with a built-in tube will work great for the car, which solves the problem of unscrewing standard bottles.

Finally, remember - when you feel thirsty, dehydration is probably 2-3%!

The author of the text: Monika Podos from Kułaga Synergy -

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