Pomegranate seeds - how to eat them?

Oct 19, 2022 Michał Pelc

Pomegranate is a unique fruit - since ancient times considered a symbol of fertility, it is extremely tasty and healthy at the same time. It is a fruit that contains polyphenols that protect against many diseases, improves the digestive process and slows down aging. Therefore, it is worth taking an interest in it and consuming fresh or dried pomegranate seeds . Here's everything you need to know about pomegranate seeds.

bio pomegranate seeds


Pomegranate - why is it worth eating it?

Did you know that pomegranate and its juice have been the subject of over 200 studies. They have proved, above all, the beneficial effect of this fruit on our cardiovascular system, effective counteracting the destructive influence of free radicals or inflammatory processes. The secret of pomegranate is easily digestible polyphenols - antioxidants, which are three times more in pomegranate than in green tea or red wine. We must also not forget about umbilical acid, which is very rare in nature and is classified as an omega-5 fatty acid.
What else do pomegranate seeds contain? First of all, vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, selenium, copper, zinc, beta-catotene, fiber, tannin and citric acid. It is a real vitamin and mineral bomb!

Are pomegranate seeds healthy?

Eating pomegranates has many health-promoting properties. Here are just some of them:

  • They alleviate digestive problems - thanks to the content of citric acid and tannin.
  • They have a positive effect on our cardiovascular system.
  • They contain antioxidants that counteract the aging process.
  • They reduce symptoms related to PMS or menopause - thanks to the content of phytoestrogens.
  • They have a soothing effect, help to regenerate the skin, improve its color and accelerate the healing of acne lesions.

So you can see that you just have to eat grenades! On our market, these fruits are available in the form of fresh fruit or dried seeds, which are extremely popular in Indian cuisine. But more on that later.

How do I take out pomegranate seeds?

This question is asked by everyone who has faced this task. Peeling a pomegranate is not the easiest thing to do, so we suggest how to do it and not get dirty with the juice: Cut the pomegranate in half, turn the "center" down and knock it out into a bowl, hitting it with a spoon, for example. You can also cut off the top of the pomegranate - so that the seeds are visible, then incise it in several places, tear the fruit and remove the seeds by hand. You can also choose dried pomegranate seeds, which are an excellent snack and accompaniment to many dishes - especially Indian ones (Hindus call them "andara" and use it commonly in their cooking).

How to eat dried pomegranate seeds?

Dried pomegranate seeds have a characteristic, slightly sour taste. Thanks to this, they are extremely versatile and work well in many dishes - both sweet and dry. Here are some usage examples:

  • You can eat them alone - as a snack between meals. (just like other dried fruits, which we wrote about HERE )
  • They can be ground and used as a truly oriental spice in your kitchen - adding it to ice cream, cookies, soups, sauces, meat dishes or adding to, for example, bread dough.
  • They blend in perfectly with tea - both hot and cold.
  • They can be added to fruit and vegetable salads.

We just remind you that when buying arardana, it is worth choosing unground, slightly springy seeds, obtained from organic crops and dried at low temperatures (RAW). You will find them HERE .

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